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The Keeling Centre is made possible by an anonymous donor, whose generous bequest in honour of S.V. Keeling aimed to promote the study of ancient philosophy at UCL, and in London.


The University College London Philosophy and Greek and Latin Departments have a number of academics working on a range of areas within ancient philosophy.


Together with the Department of Greek and Latin, and through the generosity of a private donor, the UCL Philosophy Department organises an annual S.V. Keeling Memorial Lecture in Ancient Philosophy.  


The Keeling Centre for Ancient Philosophy in the Philosophy Department at UCL is the home of activities and events that focus on ancient philosophy. We host  an annual lecture and a colloquium every 2-4 years, run various workshops, and a senior academic is appointed as the Keeling Scholar in Residence. Together with colleagues in London, members of the Keeling Centre convene a weekly ancient philosophy reading group, organise the fortnightly Ancient Philosophy seminar series of the Institute for Classical Studies, and, together with academics at Oxford and Cambridge, organise a small workshop each term for graduate students to present their research. Keeling graduate students organise occasional graduate conferences in ancient philosophy, and, with other graduate students working in ancient philosophy in London, run the intercollegiate group, the Lyceum Society. The Keeling Centre also offers graduate scholarships for research in ancient philosophy, and hosts visitors specialising in the field.


The Keeling Centre – its activities and scholarships - was made possible by the generous bequest of a former student of the Department (who wished to remain anonymous), in honour of a former member of the Philosophy Department at UCL, Stanley Victor Keeling, for the promotion and continuance of the study of ancient philosophy at UCL, and in London.


In addition to the Memorial Lecture, the Keeling Centre hosts and supports a number of ancient philosophy events at University College London.


The Keeling Centre has produced multiple volumes containing the proceeds of events at the Keeling Centre.  The academics working on ancient philosophy also regularly publish in ancient philosophy.  



The UCL philosophy department offers a number of scholarships annually for research in ancient philosophy for the MPhil. Stud., MPhil/ PhD, or PhD.  



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